Fastest way to lose weight in 2 weeks ' health tips'

How to lose weight in just 2 weeks
Obesity is like a disease which not only change our personality but also the root cause of some harmful diseases like it increases the chances of heart attack , increase blood pressure etc
Thats why some of us spend a lots of hours in gyms and try very hard to get rid from this. but we forgot to have a proper diet.without a proper diet and a healthy routine it cant be possible.
Scientifically obesity is caused when a person have a high calorie consumption with less calorie burn.
A healthy man needed about 2500 calorie a day . And mostly indian take about double of this calorie because our diet include a large amount of fat product like oils, butter etc
For a balance diet your diet should include
50% -carbohydrate
30% -protein
20%- fat
Our body require protein in repairing damage cells and tissue thats why high protein diet help us to keep healthy and help in reducing weight.

So lets start with a proper diet planer

1) Morning - your morning should start with a half glass of mild hot water or water which kept in the copper vessels overnight.both this are helpful in controling your acid production and improve your digestion

2) Breakfast - many of us start rejecting breakfast to loss weight but its not so because it provide necessary energy source for morning work.
Breakfast  can include -

  •  A glass of milk
  •  2 hard boiled egg if you are a nonvegetarian
  •  Brown bread
  •  Prefer green tea over brown and coffe because it contain high level of catechins which promote weight loss. Aim to drink 1-3 cups in a day
  • Fruits
  • Dalia
  • Parathe or poha for indian diet
3) Lunch - try to get half of your daily energy source at this time because in the mean time our body is highly active and able to digest any diet. 
You can includes
  • Green vegechables
  • Chapati
  • Rice
  • Curd or raita
  • Salad
  • Chicken etc
4) Dinner - eat breakfast like a king ,lunch like a prince and dinner like a pauper.
Your dinner should contain easily digested food because at this time our digestion capacity is so weak. Thats why try to leave some common indian food like dal ,rajma , rice etc because they are not easily digested. Its better to have a season fruit with some vegetable soaps and bowl of salad.
Try to have your dinner early as possible so that you have some time for a walk.

Some more tips which help you to quickly loss your weight

  • Increase water intake 
  • Hot water with lemon and honey
  • Reduce intake of carbohydrates
  • Increase protein intake
  • Increase fiber intake 
  • Avoid junk food
  • Proper exercise
  • Avoid rice ,sugar , salt
  • Get rid of food craving
  • Not more than 3 meal a day
  • Prefer sprouts to snacks
  • Consume fruits with high watee contain
  • Never skip your meal

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