What helps indigestion and how to improve digestion . Health tips

Help digestion
Digestion problems
In this busy day to day life we hardly get some time to think about our digestive health. And also we doesnt try to improve our digestion.this directly or indirectly affect our health. So here i will give you some tips which helps you to improve your digestion health and maintain your digestive flora.

1) Maintain stress level 

In this busy life we have a lots of works which keeps our life streesful. Which affect our digestion as well so try to keep stress free. By doing some meditation , exercise , enjoying etc

2) use probiotics

3) Dont go for gluten 

 Gluten mean excess eating . Sometime to get muscular we think of over eating but itscant be a good choice. Its overall affect our digestion . So try to minimize over eating.

4) Try to minimize use of refined sugar

 Refined sugar include sugar which we use in our kichens for tea ,coffe etc. This sugar have very much high calorie but lack in any nutritional value. There try to minimize their use

5)Dont smoke

 Smoking kills is not only a quote but its a fact and many doesnt understand it. Its badly affect our lungs and digestional tract.  And also try to keep some distance from smoker also because passive smoking is more harmful then active smoking

6) Eat fiber rich food

Increase the amount of fibers in your diet because fiber are very difficult to digest but they help your digestive tract to function well by pushing undigestive food smoothly

7) Eat in a relax environment and focus on eating

Sometimes we while eating busy in doing some other work like watching television ,or phone. So try to minimize the use of all this while eating .directly or indirectly they will help you to increase your digestional system.

8) Chew food completly

Our mouth also have some digestive enzyme in it. So its better to completly chew your food so its perfectly digested in mouth .and make food easy to digest.

9) some more point to improve your digestion.

  • Stay hydrated.
  • Choose high quality and fresh organic food.
  • Increase magnesium in your diet.

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