What are the causes and treatment for hiccups (hichki)

             In india we all have misconseption about hiccups if we got hiccups then we think that someone is thinking about us . Thats why we are getting all this but this is not so correct it happens due to quick contaction of diaphram which is layer of muscle which divide thorax from abdomen.

Usually hiccups ( hichki ) are common but if it continue for about a day . Then you should have to consult with your doctor. Here in this article i will tell you  about its causes and its treatments .


There is not a proper reason for that but we have some causes which likely created the situation of hiccups...

  • Fast eating :- eating too fast even result in causing hiccups.
  • Overeating or drinking much alcohol.
  • Laughing hardly.
  • Gastric problems.
  • Depression.
  • Medicines side effects
  • Harmful smokes
  • Swallowing air along food.
  • Sudden change in temperature.


  •  take a long breath and stop for few seconds. Hiccups automaticly stops.
  • You may also put some sugar in your mouth to get rid from hiccups.
  • Lemon and honey misture - squish a lemon in a teaspoon honey . This will also help you alot.
  • Drinking a full glass of water instantly.
  • By distracting your mind :- you can also distract your mind to get rid from this for example simply Start counting reverse no. From 100 to 1. Or anything else which distract your mind.
  • Pulling your tough.


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